IEEE Multi-conference on
Systems and Control

September 3-5, 2008

San Antonio, Texas (USA)

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All papers as well as session proposals must be submitted electronically through PaperPlaza. In accordance with IEEE requirements, only PDF files will be accepted. In addition to regular papers, each conference will also have invited sessions and tutorial sessions. Please contact chairs for corresponding areas for further information. Please note that the conference language is English, all submissions must be written in English.



Papers are invited in the form of regular manuscripts (allotted 6 proceedings pages). Short manuscripts are not considered. Papers must be submitted through the conference submission website (PaperPlaza) and must conform to the submission policy requiring that all manuscripts be in 2-column format and meet strict page limits. For the purpose of review only, manuscripts may be up to eight (8) pages long. However, normal length for the final manuscript is limited to six (6) pages. Papers exceeding the normal length may be submitted upon payment of overlength page charges of USD 175.00 for each page in excess of six. A maximum of two extra pages above normal six are permitted for regular papers, invited session papers and tutorial session papers. Please, look at the Author Information page for details on the paper preparation.



Proposals are sought from those wishing to organize an invited session. An invited session consists of six papers, which should present a unifying theme from a diversity of viewpoints. The session organizer should submit an electronic version (pdf file) of the session proposal (without participating papers) via PaperPlaza. Each proposal for an invited session should describe the theme and scope of the proposed session and how the papers form a cohesive and complementary group in the session group. The proposal must contain the title and theme of the session and a list of paper titles, names, and email address of the corresponding authors. PaperPlaza returns an acknowledgement that contains an alpha-numeric code for the proposed session. The organizer should then notify Contributing Authors (CAs) of their invited session code. The corresponding authors of each paper can then submit the paper through PaperPlaza as an invited paper. Submission as an invited session requires the invited session code. Invited papers will be subjected to the same review process as contributed papers, and may be replaced by appropriate contributed papers. If a proposed session is rejected, selected papers may still be accepted and published as regular contributed papers. Please, look at the Author Information page for details on the paper preparation.



Tutorial Sessions will be included in each Conference. A Tutorial Session typically features a 40 minutes tutorial presentation followed by a series (usually, 4) of short presentations (20 minutes each) from industrial or application-oriented participants discussing the implementation, application, and benefits of the techniques. Other session formats will be considered as well, provided the session lasts 120 minutes. In this context, new and emerging application areas would be of particular interest - for example, renewable energy, health care, nanotechnology, defense systems, etc. Electronic submission of Tutorial Session proposals should be via PaperPlaza. Rules for submission and review of Tutorial Session proposals will be the same as for Invited Sessions. Please, look at the Author Information page for details on the paper preparation.

pdf Call for Papers