IEEE Multi-conference on
Systems and Control

September 3-5, 2008

San Antonio, Texas (USA)

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All papers must be written in English and should describe original work. The length of the paper is limited to a maximum of 6 pages (in the standard IEEE conference double column format), including figures, tables and references.

For the purposes of review, regular and invited papers are limited to 8 pages. Papers exceeding this limit will be rejected without review.



Papers should be submitted on-line in IEEE Xplore compliant PDF files. Before preparing your manuscripts, you are urged to read the following sections:

  1. Compliance to better understand what these new requirements are

  2. Page Setting to begin preparing the document

  3. (La)TeX Support or MS-Word Support, depending upon which one you are using to prepare your manuscript

  4. PDF Support to see how to configure Distiller, Ghostscript etc to produce compliant PDF files

After preparing manuscripts and converting it to PDF, you should Test your PDF document to make sure that it meets above requirements. Follow these links to see how to resolve typical reasons for documents failing the PDF compliance tests:

  1. "Font" Not embedded error: encountered in both LaTeX and Word due to incorrect options in creating PDF

  2. Bitmapped Font error: typically encountered using LaTeX see also Bitmapped Font in Figures

  3. Oriental Language Font error: typically encountered using Word

  4. Password protection: encountered when distilling the file using Acrobat Distiller or Ghostscript

All manuscripts (initial as well as final) must be submitted electronically.


If your file fails the PDF test on PaperPlaza, you can use the IEEE tool

 IEEE PDF eXpress

IEEE PDF eXpress is a free service to IEEE conferences, allowing their authors to make IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs (Conversion function) or to check PDFs that authors have made themselves for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).


How to use IEEE PDF eXpress

1) Create IEEE PDF eXpress account.

2) Upload source file(s) for Conversion and/or PDF(s) for Checking.

3) Use IEEE PDF eXpress to attain IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s). The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support.

4) Submit final, IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s) following the instructions below.




To submit a paper or session proposal to MSC2008 (CCA/CACSD/ISIC),

  1. You need to have a Personal Information Number (PIN) . Please request or check your PIN and update your personal information

  2. You need to submit your paper electronically at PaperPlaza before the deadline.

For publication after acceptance, papers are limited to 6 pages. Papers are allowed up to a maximum of an additional 2 pages, which will be subjected to the normal page overlength fee. Upon acceptance, authors will be required to register and present their papers. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings only if at least one of the authors is officially registered.

The conference proceedings will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by INSPEC  and Ei-Compendex.


paper template

Authors using (La)Tex and MS-Word must prepare their manuscripts following the format described in the paper templates provided below.


LATEX template

MS word template

latex kit

word kit




Lecture presentation rooms will be equipped with an LCD projector, a projection screen, and a table for authors to place their laptops. Please note that authors must bring their own laptops; IEEE MSC 2008 will not provide computers for presentations.

Lecture presentations must adhere to the final program schedule. In particular, presentations cannot be moved up in case of "no shows" - it is common for conference participants to attend sessions only for selected presentations.



General instructions

Posters must be staffed for the full duration of the session. Staffing can be shared among authors and their colleagues.

Each poster space will be labeled and a chart listing the paper numbers with corresponding presentation spaces will be posted at the entrance of the poster session room. Authors must use their assigned space for their presentation.

Each presentation space includes a bulletin board that is approximately 2.4m x 1.2m (8 ft x 4 ft) in size. Tacks will be provided to affix posters to the bulletin board.

All posters must be set up during the half hour immediately before the start of the session and must be completely dismantled immediately after the session.


Poster layout

A late news poster presentation is intended to communicate information rapidly, allowing the viewer to quickly assess whether a deeper review and discussion with the author is warranted. To this end, posters should be visually attractive and uncluttered and they should be readable from several feet away. A PowerPoint template of the recommended poster layout for IEEE MSC 2008 is available. The authors can use it to prepare compliant posters, which can then be printed directly on a large-format plotter. Please note that the template does not consume the entire bulletin board surface. Authors can use the remaining space for supporting materials and for notes when discussing with session attendees.

It is the authors' responsibility to arrange for all shipment of materials and printing of posters. The organizers are unable to assist with these matters.