IEEE Multi-conference on
Systems and Control

September 3-5, 2008

San Antonio, Texas (USA)

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Program Details

The Student Travel Support of 2008 MSC is meant to enable promising students to attend the conference, present their papers and become more integrated into their scientific community. IEEE Control System Society funds will be used to cover student (or regular, in rare cases) registration. Depending on the number of applications, modest levels of additional support might be available.


Eligibility and Requirements

In order to be eligible, applicants

  • must be an author or co-author of (at least) one paper accepted for presentation at 2008 MSC;

  • must present at least one of the accepted papers; 

  • must be a student member of both IEEE and CSS at the time of the application.

Eligible Applicants may apply for the Student Travel Support program or for the Travel Support program for the Developing Countries, but NOT for both programs simultaneously.


Application Procedures

To apply, students must download the Student Travel Support Application Form (click here to download), fill it in, convert it into the PDF format, and upload it through PaperPlaza.

Please follow the following two steps when in PaperPlaza.

Step 1: select "Submit a contribution to 2008 MSC"

Step 2: select "First Submissions: Student Travel Form"

In the form, the Student Applicant will be requested to provide the following information:

  1. Name (Last Name, First Name, and possibly Middle Initial)

  2. IEEE (and Control System Society) membership number and years of membership

  3. E-mail

  4. Institutional Address

  5. Advisor's Name

  6. Advisor's Phone/Fax/E-mail

  7. Session/Title of the Paper to be presented (please provide the paper number and the code that identifies the day and the session in which the paper is scheduled)

  8. Additional papers (if any)

  9. History of prior support from similar support programs

  10. Type of registration needed (regular/student)

  11. Amount of additional support requested, if any (actual support will depend on the number of applicants and funds available) by specifying the individual items on the budget that make up for the final amount requested

  12. A paragraph of justification for the request of financial support, particularly if regular registration is requested.

To complete the application procedure, the Student’s Advisor must contact via e-mail Professor Faryar Jabbari, Chair of Student Activities Committee of the IEEE Control Systems Society (, and provide him with the following information:

  1. Certification that the applicant is currently enrolled as a student and is planning to attend and present a paper at the MSC 2008.

  2. Short message of support of the Student’s application.

A student application not accompanied by the Advisor’s support letter will not be considered for support.


Deadlines and award Notification

(dates possibly subject to changes – please, check later on)


April 15

decision letters about papers submitted to 2008 MSC are sent out


April 25

deadline for applying for the Student Travel Support


May 5

decision messages about travel support recipients are expected to be sent out. The recipients of the travel support will be classified in the Paperplaza database as “student TS registrant” or as "regular TS registrant"


May 15

deadline for completing the on-line registration and uploading the final version of the manuscript



The Chair of Student Activities Committee can provide an official letter confirming the receipt of the award, if required.

If additional support, beyond registration, is awarded, original receipts will be needed for reimbursement.  Details and procedures regarding reimbursement will be distributed, if needed.


Conditions of the Award

  1. The award is not transferable

  2. The award recipient will participate in, and present, at least one paper at the conference